Janathon 2012

Janathon 2012
whoop whoop

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Grinning lottabottle

I promised a longer blog today, but I am really tired, I think Janothon has finally caught up with me!!
So very sorry but this is it, got up at 5am and walked my dogs, aqua jogged 10 lengths in the pool and did some core work on a stability ball.

I have spent the rest of the day shadowing a community nurse, which was the best day of my nursing career, so I now want to be a community nurse. Highlight of the day, week, year and nursing journey was being told by such an experienced and respected nurse that I was going to make an excellent nurse and it had been a pleasure for her to work with me.  I seriously look like I have got  a coathanger in my mouth because my smile is that wide, at such amazing praise.


  1. Well done good exercise effort today - great news about your nursing career. Always nice to receive praise !

  2. Great news on the nursing, it's a great feeling when you know what you want to do and you get validation from someone who knows their stuff. Best of luck for the rest of Janathon it's all down hill from here now.
