Janathon 2012

Janathon 2012
whoop whoop

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Janathon fail

Overslept this morning so had no time to fit in my Janathon effort, so decided I would call at the gym on my way home from placement.

Went to the Gym straight after finishing placement, only to find I had left my gym bag at home.

Went home to get Gym bag only to find that gym bag was not there! Where the bloody hell is it ?

Recieved phone call to inform me that I seem to have left a Gym bag in the staff room at placement!

Went back to placement, picked up Gym bag set back off to Gym, recieved phone call whilst walking from car telling me I needed to go home because hubby had locked hiself out.

Its just not meant to be today, not to be totally defeated I joined the plankathon and planked for 28 seconds.


  1. Planking is allowed, so you haven't failed!

  2. And all that searching for your gym bag must count too!
