Janathon 2012

Janathon 2012
whoop whoop

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

missed my bus stop

was too busy messing about on twitter to realise that I had sailed past my stop, good job I was at uni today and not placement!

My commute today is only 2 miles, would have been 3 but as I accidently stayed on the bus I was closer than I should have been. So to make up for it, I did an hour of Nell Mcandrew, 30 min biggest loser and 10 minutes core work on my stability ball.

My weight is not budging but I am definetley seeing a difference in my wobbly bits. So even though doing Janathon has been difficult , tiring and sometimes downright tedious, it has been well worth it!!

Also the fact that I now have massive guilt trips if it gets to five and I havent done any exercise, gives me great hope for keeping active once we are into February.


  1. Totally agree. Although I may have the odd rest day......

  2. mmm... yes. I may partake of a rest day here and there too!

  3. It has that effect, the addiction of activity. Well done for sticking at it even when it has been tough
