Janathon 2012

Janathon 2012
whoop whoop

Sunday, 16 January 2011


Really was not expecting to feel this achey after half an hour playing on the x-box yesterday. I got up this morning and I hurt in places that I have not hurt since I went to the gym last year. Oh well, it works then.

Today I decided that even though it hurts I would add an extra 10 minutes on to my biggest loser session, partly because its weekend and I have the time. But mainly because when I dragged myself kicking and screaming popped on to the scales this morning I had gained two of the pounds that I lost last week :( . Not that I am surprised, the amount of food and wine that I have stuffed down my throat this week I am lucky I did not put the whole four pounds back on. So anyway thats a 40 minute circuit session on the X-box.

I also took my doggies around Skipwith common whilst wearing leg weights and carrying my bag full of spuds, which by the way have sprouted extra spuds since sweating in my bag for a week. (pretty sure that we wont be having them with our sunday lunch)

When I got back from my walk I was complaining to my hubby about how tired just a little walk made me feel, and that I felt so unfit and tired all the time. When he reminded me that less than 4 weeks ago I was in hospital on a ventilator hooked up to drips etc, due to swine flue. This made me feel a bit happier because if you take those 3 weeks of being really poorly into account, I am doing bloody well keeping up with all the Janathon antics, so Yay for me .


  1. You are doing really well. Yay for you!

  2. Well done, glad you're back on board, them lbs'll soon shift with that x box.

  3. Wow - you are doing very well considering you had swine flu 4 weeks ago - well done!

  4. Glad you are getting better and keeping going - I'm sure the greyound will help!
    Its funny how the new and unexpeted makes you ache more - the biggest looser workout sounds tough - and V brave in front of the kids!

  5. that's brilliant after swine flu congratulations!
